Sunday, April 27, 2008

United we stand, divided we fall

After ignoring my quests for grinding, last week was payback time trying to catch up on the more important quests. Normally I would just click next without bothering to read much, but a couple of days ago, I was stuck with good old Captain Mark just because I couldn't decide which nation to opt for. Zero, whose level was ahead of mine was much more of a slacker than me, so I was the first in our 8-men guild to face the dilemma of choosing a side to belong to.

I was in the quest room for a good hour and annoyed almost everyone in guild with constant "how how how, which one to choose!". Finally, the decision was to go for Capella. We all agreed that it sounds a lot better than Procyon. Female leader rules too. Ha ha.

I am now a Capella(n); Procyon-ians, see you guys in War channel. Rawr.

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