Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just a gaming blog - Another new beginning

I realized from my previous gaming blog that an url formed using both your family (character) name and faction (guild) name is not exactly portable nor reusable. Thus, that explained the very unassuming url I have chosen for this blog. Ingenious eh?

Coming up with an in-game-nick is in my opinion the most tedious task before embarking on a new game. I was trying to get Lothlorien, Loth and many others without success. So here I am, using the IGN I have used in my first mmorpg, Elielf in 2 Moons. I am currently playing an Incar magician, breaking my traditional healer-only choice of character.

Since I have only started on the game a few days ago, there is nothing much I can comment on right now. I am still getting myself familiarized with the game play, so hopefully I will be able to write more later.


Mav said...


Atlast you have started playing it xD heh heh..... *smirks*

elielf said...

I can always find new game to play *smirk* XD

Mav said...

i can always get onto 60 n come kick your butt!!! xD *evil-grin* heh heh