Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rohan's Closed Beta Testing

For those who are eagerly waiting for Rohan; Please register an account and opt-in for the coming CBT, which is starting on 17th March and will last for a week. You would need to login on 14th March to check if you are one of the chosen ones.

If you are using Firefox, please note that the form only allow you to choose "Male" as your gender, so save yourself the trouble of re-entering by filling it up in IE instead. [Some kind soul mentioned that you can use the arrow key to choose your gender. I tried and it works. =) ]


noodles said...

O_O There's a close beta? wahhh!

Anonymous said...

Actually you can choose female with FireFox...just use the arrow key.

elielf said...

t__t: Now you can leave your jap server for the english one =)

manic: thank you, didn't notice that, pretty silly of me :P