Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Wishing all my fellow gamers a Happy 2008 fill with loads of fun, cheer, joy and love!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Beside changing to a leet staff, Elielf is also equipped with a new set of armor, Aquaris, with the exception of the head gear (that's a xmas hat if you can't tell) which she can't equip yet. Very nice, definitely a lot better than the Supia set. It's all thanks to Squid-dear who went around looking for the complete legendary set. :D

I am again experiencing extremely bad connections lately. It is most likely due to the high volume of traffic during the double experience period, but the frequency of the disconnections are getting frustrating. I wasted a lot of 10k dil doing Nunvice Shrine mission as I almost always dc in the midst of the 30 mins run :(.


A very nice Divine Noble weapon, isn't it? It's all thanks to ArrowStormz who made this leet staff for me. According to him, it is worth a lot of millions .. I am so gonna keep this and not sell it!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

More Xmas Cheers

Braiken Town in 2Moons, there are X'mas Trees placed around all towns and portal areas.

Squid-dear and me on our Sylphids ... now, if only they could fly. Ha.

A Merry Christmas for Elielf

Elielf's new Sylphid mount, yet to be named (Open to suggestions, heh). 28% increase in agility. Woot!

Merry Christmas, from Squid & Eli :)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Big Head Eli

This is my very first healer, elielf in RanOnline! This image is probably captured during myrosso's big head event which I found while browsing through my folders. I really like it. It is so kawaii.

Friday, December 21, 2007


This is probably the Elf healer in Rohan. Isn't she a looker?

I have always love playing healer's role, especially those of the elf species and more so if they look gorgeous. Ha ha. I wonder if the beta for the english version would be available soon.

The link for the english site is here, with a brief description of the game and introductions on the various classes.

Not that I am changing game, btw, just browsing only. Heh.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh crap, I can't ...

.. play 2 moons! My installer refused to update properly again! Update Failed!

Edited: Woot, I have managed to update my version to 2.8.24. Yay!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

New skills @ 36

All rightly, I am having so much fun using my new AOEs that I forgot to update the site. I have all the three elemental attacks, but so far lightning (lightning circle) and fire (fire fury) seems to work better. Mobs that are fast enough are able to cancel my ice attacks (ice storm) all the time. The area of the AOEs are also kinda small, so it is a matter of doing the right aiming in the midst of all this latency.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Maybe it's a sign

.. that I should stop gaming.
  • Disconnected from 2Moons at regular intervals
  • 2Moons' window closing on me for no reasons
  • Notebook's LCD quit on me
Oh, and never ever buy a HP notebook. Within a year, I have my LCD repaired/replaced, 2 hard disks crashed on me ... and now, my LCD having problems again. HP SUX.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The inseparables at Heiharp

Finally a screen shot of Heiharp. I have for a while now wanted to take screen shots of this map, but have not been able to remember to; that is, until someone mentioned that all my screenies are of Elielf only. Heh. Here's Elielf with BSquid, my dear :).

Dance a little dance for me

Good morning peeps! It's friday :). Time to let your hair down and do a little jiggle. In case you didn't notice, my Elielf is level 30! She is wearing her 3rd set of amour and level 30's staff (very nice ones, if I do say so myself), which is giving her lots of additional protection and damage.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Elielf @ 28

Elielf is halfway onto her next set of amour, as shown from the screen shot above. I can't wait to wear my new top and head gear. My lovely Squid-san got me some nice equips!

I have been running around maps, trying out different places for leveling and found Heiharp, which is a snow-laden map. It is similar to Katovic Snowfield in GE. And both come with nice background music too. And most importantly, I don't see any PK-free summoners (at least not yet) here. I like :).

A serious lack of choice

Is it just me, or is there a lack of costume designers for 2Moons? Only 4 costumes available for purchase at the item shop and they are not exactly appealing. I want more hip hop wear! Or theme costumes! Like Santarina please!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You just have to go with your instincts

I find it funny that in 2Moons, when I level up a skill, it does not give me the extra information needed to decide if pumping more points is worth the investment. For attack skills; How much more damage it would deal, the maximum number of enemies it would engage if it is an AOE skill or the area of engagement. For buffing skills; The extra duration given or the percentage increase in the buff. For masteries; What does this do, I don't really know. Maybe I am too new to this game, but looking through the skill tree for passive and elemental skills left me feeling baffled.

What I do know is, I want to try out all the skills for the three elements. I have seen some guides which stress on mastering two elements, while others believe in a tri-element build.

Since I am at level 2x, I shall based my build on this (found here) for the time being:
  • 1-10: To learn all 3 bolt spells, mana force lvl 1 and energy mastery level 1.
  • 11-20: To learn all of the lvl 16 spells, keeping them at level 1. Gain seize nimbus. Add points into energy mastery.
  • 21-30: Gain all lvl 27 spells, once again keeping them at level 1. Continue to add points to sieze nimbus, mana force, and energy mastery.
  • 31-40: Gain all lvl 36 spells, keeping them at level 1 for now. Continue to max energy mastery, seize nimbus, mana force.
  • 41-50: Begin putting points into lvl 36 AOEs. Seize nimbus should be maxed by now. Also max energy mastery.
Edited: Useful guide @,1.html

Monday, December 3, 2007

I need a Buddy Transmission Card!

In 2Moons, when someone stand beside you for a period of time, it could only means two things. Either (a) they want to party you or (b) they want to force attack (PK) you. In the case of B, they might be checking you out first, before launching an attack. Who would want to PK a high-level disguised as a noob, right?

I don't really mind getting pk. What I mind is the running I need to do to get back to the same map. That's when I always start missing RanOnline. With a buddy transmission card, deaths are never an issue. As long as you have a friend in the same map, you would be back in the blink of an eye. Although it is an cash item, almost all regular players in RanOnline would not hesitate to get one. It is that useful. If only all games have that. Bliss.

Oh wait, I think I need more friends in the game first!

Learn to speak in gaming tongues (Or get PKed)

I normally mind my own business in 2Moons, choosing to level alone rather then finding a party to join. At times, I will get invitations to join up with another player, and if I am not lagging too badly, I would accept the invites.

Yesterday I had an encounter which give me reasons to think why some games are p2p. You don't get idiots like you would in a f2p game.

Idiot: "Hi, paty" (I assumed this player want to party with me)
Elielf: "No thanks, I am lagging badly"
Idiot: "Paty"

So, at this point of time, I moved away from this "Paty" player to make my point clear in case he/she doesn't get what I meant earlier.

3 seconds later.

I got attacked with icicles which froze me on the spot. So being a non-confrontative type (Ok, I admit, I do not know the shortcut for PK-ing), I ran. And he/she chased. Icicles. Run. Icicles. Run.

Damn, save me from these stupid idiots!

Ha ha.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Green is not my favourite color

So, there I was, pretty determined to get to level 24, in order for Elielf to be able to change to a better staff, but Mr Fat Green Pipe definitely has other better ideas.

After teleporting to Denebe and then running to Requies Beach, my poor mage with her tired legs can't seem to "connect" with the monsters she hits. All her attacks seem to be hitting the air instead and a couple of seconds later, I will find her dead on the ground. I logged out of the game after my third attempt to stay alive in Requies failed.

Today Mr Fat Green Pipe is all choked up.

It is free afterall

Holy crap! Granada Espada (Under IAH) is going to be Free-2-Play! After so much hoo-ha about their business model months ago, they turned around and announced that it is going to be free after all. I wondered what prompted this decision? Maybe a Pay-2-Play model with an item mall is an overkill? Or perhaps it is due to the dwindling number of players in the game? Not that it matter to me, cos I will be seeing my gals again! Woot.

Heh, since I still have some gpoints left .. and with Bahia Island Royal Rumble Raid map coming up, I might be getting my gals some hawt bikinis!

I have surfed through some of the blogs that actively reports on GE's activities, and I am surprised by the show of discontentment even from their most hardcore supporters.

From my point of view, given that IAH is a fairly new publisher in the world of gaming, it would perhaps be fair to give them some room to breathe. They are probably learning how things worked as they go along, and mistakes are inevitable. When a company has investors, profits and losses do mean something. They have to answer to the ones supporting their ideas (monetary), and yet satisfy the many (players) that would either make or break their very ideals.